Well here I am. Here you are. Now, go away.
My problem is......I like certain skins over others. However, I like some toolbars more than others too. When I change the color of a skin the toolbar changes too. I'd like to know if it is possible to change the color of a skin and leave the toolbar's color at its oringnal color.
I.E. Skin: Essorant's Passive changed and the toolbar color changes too. Any solutions?

on Jan 28, 2005
I can't try this myself now, but it seems if you would move the Toolbar.tgas out of the WB folder then change the color and replace the .tgas that would do the trick.
on Jan 28, 2005
Hiya Old Crab...
Open up WB Advanced Configuration. Go to the My Toolbars section, uncheck Use the WindowBlinds colouring settings on these icons. Apply Changes.
on Jan 28, 2005
Or you could just do that Thanx SNK
on Jan 29, 2005
Mucho grasso. I guess I should know by now not to tinker with complicated things like this. I've bought a coloring book and I should get my coloring urges out with that. However, both methods do work. Thanks.